Contes français

Douglas Labaree Buffum
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Contes français - Douglas Labaree Buffum

ISBN Num.979-10-219-0031-8

Date de parution : 10/06/2012

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Contes français

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Douglas Labaree Buffum - Collection Classiques - Includes 218 footpage notes - Arround 951 Ebook pages - Interactive table of contents with hyperlinks.

EBook : 1,56 €This edition of Contes Français follows the lines of my precedent French Short Stories. The stories have been chosen from representative authors of the nineteenth century with a view to: (1) literary worth, (2) varied style and subject-matter, (3) large vocabulary, (4) interest for the student.

The vocabulary is large (between 6 000 and 7 000 words), it is hoped that it will be found to be complete, with the exception of merely personal names, having no English equivalent and of no signification beyond the story in which they occur. In a few instances words will be found in the text with special meanings in these cases the vocabulary contains the usual signification as well as the special. Irregularities in pronunciation are indicated in the vocabulary.

A knowledge of the elementary principles of French grammar on the part of the student is presupposed. Consequently the notes contain few grammatical explanations. Repetition of rules that may be found in the ordinary grammars would be unnecessary, and the individual instructor will probably prefer to adapt this side of the work to the needs of each class, or better still to the needs of each student. Mere translations have also been avoided in the notes the complete vocabulary will enable the student to do this work himself. The body of the notes is devoted to the explanation of historical and literary references and to the explanation of difficult or exceptional grammatical constructions. A few general remarks have been made in connection with each author in order to point out his place in French literature bibliographical material for more detailed information has been indicated and the principal works of each author have been mentioned, together with one or more editions of his works.

No alteration of any kind has been made in the French text.

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1,56 €

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